Ez pedig az a mackó, amit évekkel ezelőtt hímeztem ki és úgy eltettem, hogy nem tudtam odaadni a barátnőmnek. Ezt még anno aidára hímeztem, azt sem tudtam, hogy létezik hímzővászon. :) Most végre átadásra került a maci, aminek én legalább annyira örültem, mint ő. :)
I stitched it in aida many-many years ago and I put away so that I could not find for years. Finally I found it and gave to my friend who works in Italy. She will carry to her workplace and think of me. :)
I stitched it in aida many-many years ago and I put away so that I could not find for years. Finally I found it and gave to my friend who works in Italy. She will carry to her workplace and think of me. :)
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